University of Patras, October 4-6, 2013


The Fifth International Conference on Ancient Helike and Aigialeia (HELIKE V) will take place in the University of Patras, Achaea, from 4-6 October, 2013. The Conference is dedicated to Helike’s patron god Poseidon and his cult in Helike and the Peloponnese, with an emphasis to the god’s capacity as god of earthquakes and natural catastrophes.  

The Conference on Poseidon is the fifth (Helike V) in a series of International Conferences organized by the Helike Society and held about every five years in the region of Achaea. The previous Fourth International Conference dedicated to the Early Helladic Helike and other contemporary sites of the Greek mainland was held in 2007. The Conference Proceedings entitled PROTOHELLADIKA: The Southern and Central Greek Mainland, Helike IV, edited by Dora Katsonopoulou, was published by the Helike Society in 2011.

The Helike V Conference, including scientific announcements, cultural events and a guided tour to the site of Helike, is organized in collaboration with the Department of Geology, University of Patras, and will be held in the Congress Center of the University of Patras  located in Rion, Patras.  Conference languages are Greek and English.



Poseidon Helikonios in Helike and Asia Minor: Cult and Sanctuaries 

Poseidon in Helike and the Achaean colonies

Cult and Sanctuaries of Poseidon in the Peloponnese

The 373 BC destruction at Helike and the Corinthian Gulf: Evidence from Archaeology and Geology

Archaeological and Geological Evidence of earthquakes and destruction (tsunami, floods, liquefaction) from areas associated with Poseidon’s worship


The Helike V Conference dedicated to the patron god of Helike Poseidon, entitled POSEIDON, GOD OF EARTHQUAKES AND WATERS - CULT AND SANCTUARIES,

organized by the Helike Society in collaboration with the Department of Geology of the Patras University was held in Aigion from 4 to 6 October, 2013. During the 3-days sessions of the Conference were presented papers dealing with the following specific topics:

The cult of Helikonios Poseidon

The cult of Poseidon in the Peloponnese

The seismic history of the Corinthian Gulf

The Area of Helike before and after 373 BC

The famous catastrophe of 373 BC


Helike V Conference program

The Helike V Conference program is attached below.

 HelikeV Program


Helike V Conference abstracts book

To share with colleagues and scholars worldwide the newest information on the results of research and studies on Poseidon and Helike presented at the Conference, is attached here the Helike V abstracts book edited by Dora Katsonopoulou under her permit.

 HelikeV abstract book


Fig 1 The President of the Helike Society and Director of the Helike Project Prof. Dora Katsonopoulou speaking at the Conference.
Fig 2 At the opening ceremony of the Helike V Conference. From left to right :Profs. Robert Weir (numismatics), Dora Katsonopoulou (archaeology), Ioannis Koukouvelas and Nikos Kontopoulos (geology).